Every one loves to have more money in their accounts. One way to achieve that is to save more. How do you save more? There are several ways to do it. You can either make more or spend less or doing both. At the beginning of this year, I have made several moves to cut down my expenses such as switching my cell phone monthly plan to the prepaid service (save me at least $30 per month), canceling my cable TV and watch my favorite show on the internet and so on.($25 per month save). If you pay attention, you will find a lot of ways to find a little bit extra dough. Here are some I would like to share with you:
1. Get a coffee mug and bring your morning coffee with you instead of going to the drive through of McDonald’s to get yours.
2. Start car pooling with your colleagues.
3. If you are not a big talker like me, consider switching your cell phone to the prepaid service. Feel need to chat on the phone? Pick up your land line.
4. Clip coupons and reading the flyers to find the best deals for your purchase. I just got a leg of lamb last weekend for 60% off last weekend by simply looking for the deal at the grocery store!
5. If you need to make a lot of long distance calls, consider using Skype or other VOIP services to save big.
6. Are you in debt and looking for Debt help? March over to bills.com to find some information on Debt consolidation, Debt relief and Consolidate debt. You will find a lot of information about how to save the interest charge on your debt.
Building up a personal net worth is not an easy job. It takes a penny a day to achieve your final financial freedom.
10 years ago
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