It is the time of the month again to update my net worth. My total net worth is up exact 2% from the month of May. Let's take a look at the number:
Cash: $1100 (-88.25%)
Stocks: $27569 (+47.97%)
Retirement: $18533 (+1.27%)
Car: $26400(-1.12%)
Car loan: $20318(-2.10%)
Total NetWorth: $53284 (+2%)
We see a big drop on the cash part of my assets. That is because I transfered $10,000 to my Questrade Account to balance my portfolio. I have also added $400 to my RRSP. Again, my company pension is included in my net worth calculation.
The market has been pretty bad now. Therefore, even with several hundred dollars added, I did not see a big increase for my retirement funds.
10 years ago
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