I love to travel. I hope I can travel to at least one new place I have never been to before each year. Not only I like to see many different places, I also love to save during my trip. Here are some money saving tips I would love to share with you:
1. Go traveling with a group of people. There are many costs you can share with others when you are traveling, such as gas, parking, hotel room and so on. I typically go on vacation with my roommates who are my friends as well in a group of three or four. Besides the savings, I also find that traveling in a group is more fun and less stressful sometimes since different people have different strength. For example, some people might be good at finding the direction while others are good at searching for deals. Having different people responsible for different parts of the trip makes things so much easier.
2. Take the trip during off season. You can find many awesome deals if you go during an off-season. For example, you can go to Disney World in
3. Find a place with lots of free activities. Vacation does not have to be expensive. Try to find some places with lots of free activities. Have fun and save money too. One of the great examples is
4. Plan ahead. Sure, you can find some last minute's deal. But it only works if you don't care where you want to go. If you would like to take a vacation in a specific place, planning ahead will save you a lot of money. When we go traveling, we usually plan the trip at least a month ahead. Search online for deals and ask people about the place we want to go. Two online forums I use a lot to search for the price of airline tickets and hotel rooms are www.betterbidding.com and www.biddingfortravel.com Pay attention to how much people are paying for their vacation in the place you want to go. You will score big rewards by planning ahead.
That is about what I can think of to save some money while traveling. Do you have any to share?
10 years ago
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